





[Portrayed by Paul Walker]


Eric Regal

Home: Detroit, MI
Age: 19
Weight: 155
Height: 6'3"
Mutant Factor Abilities: Telekinetic/telepath.


Through his mutant power, Eric has the ability to communicate with people through his mind. Is able to read minds to a certain extent mostly able to scratch the surface but has to concentrate hard to get anything deeper.  He can also project mind-numbing mental bolts which temporally stuns a person His telekinetic abilities allow him to levitate himself, other living beings and inanimate objects. Eric is able to lift up to 700lb.

Institute Biographical Profile:


Eric's life wasn't easy even before his power emerged. He lived with his Step parents after his parents died in a car accident when he was 10. They didn't have children of their own so they were more than happen to have him.  He was a slacker in school in every sense of the word, but somehow always managed to get by with barley passing grade. Despite what people thought of him when it came to academics, he was a very nice guy who seem to befriend all kinds of people from Jocks to nerds.


It was Eric's junior year in High school is when everything took a turn for the worse. He Befriended a Gay freshmen boy at school, because he was the talk about of the entire school and not in a good way either. Everyone would pick on the boy, beating him up and call him names, not even the teachers stepped in to do anything about it.  It really annoyed him that adults would allow such a thing on another human being just because their personal life was different.


People had mixed feelings of Eric's friendship to the boy, mostly a group of guys who were accustomed to tormenting the boy. One day, While Eric was going to the back of the school towards a spot on where he met his friend for lunch, Where he saw the same group of guys beating up his homosexual friend. It was too perfect for them because no one goes to the back of the school so no one would see them punishing him for being Gay.


The mixture of the site the freshmen's body being stomped on and the cried of help that seem too echoed within his ears. Completely enraged, something inside him seemed to snap as he dropped his lunch and went over to the crisis. Not saying a word he looked at the closest one to him and just looked the student, who suddenly to everyone surprise began to lift off the ground. Not aware fully on what he was doing, once the boy reach 15ft in the air he ?let him down upon the ground.


The group saw what happened to their comrade and gasped in fear, some of them even went over to their friend to check to see if he was alright. Luckily, the boy wasn't dead.  Eric blinked a couple of times seeming to come out of his ?trance?, he looked at what he just done and recoiled in horror.


~did you see that?~


~I know I don't believe it?. he is one of those?~




Eric held his head as the voices began to drown his mind. There were so many voices he couldn't tell which one was which but they all seem to be saying the same hated things about mutants. Unable to think at all Eric did the only thing he could do: He ran.


He told his foster parents everything that happened; surprisingly they were very understanding of the whole situation. They loved him no matter what he was and that made him feel good. It was clear that Eric wasn't going to have a normal live anymore; they took him to a place on where they knew he would be safe and take care of the Institute.


At first Eric had a difficult time adjusting to life with the institution was hard. He was away from the home and family he knew and that took its toll on him. Thanks to the professor placing mental barriers on the telepathic part of his powers, he didn't lose his sanity from the thoughts at the Institute.


In time he was enjoying himself, meeting all kind of people, making new friends, and having better understanding and control over his powers to the point the professor took down the barriers when he knew Eric was ready to truly handle his telepathic powers and sure enough he was.


It was to the point life at the institute was even better than home until it fell. I all happened so fast, to think that such a thing was possible was laughable but it happened. He couldn't go back to his foster parents; He couldn't put the burden on them of having a mutant in their home. So he went about going where ever the wind would take him. That worked for a while, but being on his own left him vulnerable and he was soon apprehended and imprisoned by the Bystanders.

Institute Biological Profile:


Eric Regal is perfectly healthy exercising regularly in order to keep in shape. He has the health and body of any other people around his age.

Institute Psychological Profile: 


His Personality is very easy going and carefree really. He always loves making new friends and meeting new faces, going out of his way for them. He always try to look on the bright side of things no matter how dark they seem, but sometimes his mouth can get ahead of his brain.


X-pounders is intended for the adult (18+) gay male audience. Please do not apply unless you meet these requirements.
Based loosely off X-Men. X-Men  is a registered trademark of MarvelŪ. This site does not gain profit from its use and is for entertainment only.