





[Portrayed by Ben Affleck]

Gregory Delgado

Home: City of Angels, California

Age: 20

Weight: 175

Height: 6'3"

Mutant Factor Abilities: Duplication

Gregory has a unique talent of being able to duplicate the abilities possessed by others around him.  In normal human’s he can mirror the talent of a great artist or a well spoken politician.  By being around other mutants, Gregory’s body can actually duplicate the effect of those x-genes.

Of course, this does have its limitations and troubles, difficulties which cause Gregory to wish he wasn’t a mutant.  He can only absorb one ability at a time and it often causes a personality change in the young man.  The more powerful the ability absorbed, the less he remains himself.

Institute Biographical Profile:

The streets were never a friendly place for a kid, thankfully Gregory grew up in a large mansion over looking the beach.  His parents were kind when they were around, but most of his young years were spent away at school in England.  The earliest memories he could fondly recall were sneaking away from the all boy school and terrorizing the locals with whatever prank came to mind.   Although his school marks were never anything to write home about, he was a good kid with a bright head on his shoulders.

As he matured, Greg branched out in his interests and in a wild urge auditioned for one of the school plays.  In his first try he landed the lead,  the infamous Romeo.  Practicing diligently for weeks with the rest of the cast, Greg seemed a natural actor.  His talents for portraying the right emotion at the right time was astounding.  It was easy for him to capture the attention of anyone watching the production.

However, opening night was a disaster.   Like many mutants, it seemed a normal occurrence for their mutations to manifest during periods of high stress.  Opening night was intense for Greg, he knew that if he could impress the school he might have a chance somewhere else.  Maybe even in a real film.

Dressed to the hilt in a fine velvet coat, Gregory looked deeply into the fair Juliet’s eyes and brushed a blonde lock away from the actresses face.  They were well into the play and the audience was completely oblivious to anything but what was set before them on the stage.  Reaching in for the romantic last kiss, Gregory paused dramatically.  What happened afterward, he can’t remember and no one would tell him.

Awaking at the institute a few weeks ago was unnerving to say the least. His school teachers thought it the best place for him and admitted him without permission from his parents, they were unavailable like usual. Gregory is still trying to learn to control his new gifts and others are attempting to try to find the extent of them. Being rather hesitant at first to accept the fact that he's a little different, Greg's still fighting to find himself again. Underneath his jokes and sarcasm he feels a blackness building in his chest already, ready to swallow him when he's not looking.

Institute Biological Profile:

Gregory is in good health and is physically fit, but by no means exceptional in his strength.  The dexterity he possesses, along with a natural skill for acrobatics is fairly remarkable, but not outside natural human qualities.  Gregory however is completely color-blind.  He only sees in shades of gray, but hides it as best as he can.  Preferring no one knows it if at all possible.

Institute Psychological Profile:

Gregory is a friendly chap who enjoys the finer things in life and prefers not to get dirty.  He hides much of his pain with witty jokes and annoying pranks, but it seems like he’s hiding less and less these days.  He likes attention, but never has trouble accepting direction or not playing at leader, preferring to keep away anything that resembles responsibly.

However, Gregory is prone to fits of severe depression and is known for his sometimes brooding demeanor.  He feels himself the tortured artist and no matter how hard he tries he’ll never accomplish anything of note.



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