





[Portrayed by Marcus Shenkenberg]

Xahn D'Rahl

Home:  Dublin, Ireland 

Age:  19

Weight:  180 lb.

Height:  6'3"

Mutant Factor Abilities:  Animal Instinct

-advanced reflexes and agility
-heightened senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound
-makes him a bit catlike in mind and mannerism

Institute Biographical Profile: 

Xahn was born in Dublin, Ireland to Kailee D'Rahl.  The father, a man by the name of Derrick D'Rahl, died not long after conception, having been involved in the movement for an independent Ireland, one where all Irish people could live in harmony and peace.  Kailee, in her youth, had been drawn in by the man's persuasive zeal, and the two soon began a romance and a marriage.  Derrick was himself a mutant with the ability to produce fire, and that was a large part of his efforts, to make the country accepting of all people, even mutants.  Xahn was the result of their romance, and Derrick never even knew of him, as he was caught in a return fire explosion during a raid.  Straddled with a child, and no one save her own mother to aid her in raising him, she lost much of her drive for the freedom effort.

Fatherless, Xahn grew under his mother and grandmother's tutelage.  He was an average student in school, though often praised with having great potential and a keen, adaptable mind.  He simply was not greatly interested in academic matters.  Never having had a child, nor having ever take care of one, Kailee struggled to strengthen her relationship with her already aloof son.  Guided by her mother's years of wisdom when concerning children, she sought to find out his interests and nurture them.  Xahn seemed to have a natural talent for physical endeavors and showed interest in the various martial arts tournaments often spoke of on television and radio.  Having had intense training in such hand-to-hand combat techniques during her time with the resistance movement, she found the opening she needed.  At the age of 8, Xahn began instruction in various forms and techniques, as well as undergoing strict physical training.  His mother's military period of her life made her perfect for this.

As he grew older, his mutation began emerging.  In training, he sometimes made the better of his mother, showing great agility and reflexes.  As his powers emerged more, he ran into some problems.  His senses were beginning to show signs of augmentation, and for a time loud noises set him screaming in agony, pungent odors would knock him unconscious or cause him to be ill, and even the noon sun temporarily blinded him.  As he grew older though, he developed some control over these powers.  His mother was half Indian and half Scottish, and had been born in Calcutta, India.  His grandmother was of full Indian blood, and a devout practitioner of Hinduism.  They taught him to make great use of meditation and even how to embrace it while active.  He soon learned to shield himself from the intense tortures his senses played on him, and to retain a calm mind even under stress.  If not for this, he surely would have gone mad.

In later years, he focused some of his restless drive into school sports, namely soccer.  His enhanced physical ability made him a vital member of the team and he won several championships for his school.  He began to notice some differences between himself and other male students.  While they bragged about their sexual conquests and girls in general, he found himself more attracted to the other boys than to the girls.  His time in the locker-room after practice or a game was often uneasy, having to hide his longing glances at his teammates.  One of the other boys took notice though, a boy named Caden, and the two began a secret romance.  This lasted for several years, until Caden moved away Spain.  Xahn became more introverted, and spent more time at home, taking long hikes through the forest that lasted several hours.  He was even more restless, as a caged animal longs for the freedom of the wilds, and his powers were developing more.

The freedom movement was losing ground, and it was infinitely more clear that being a mutant was becoming dangerous.  Spurred by concern, Kailee and her mother packed up, and took Xahn to India to stay with some relatives there.  Even though they had always kept Xahn's special nature a secret, they traveled in even more secrecy than before.  Xahn lived in India until he was 18.  He spent most of his time training, reaching the equivalent of a master in Tae Kwon Do, and exploring the vast green jungles with his unique perception.  While meditating at one of the great temple complexes of southern India, he was approached by a strange man, who called himself Alex.  This man was a mutant as well, and was always looking for young folk like Xahn.  He represented an institute over seas in America, one of several that existed around the world.  It was designed to be a place where young mutants could learn from those who had been around for a longer time.  It was a place where he wouldn't have to feel so alone any more.  Xahn invited the man to dinner with his mother and grandmother, and the four of them talked for quite some time.  Though hesitant to let her son go off, Kailee agreed; it was getting more dangerous to be a mutant, and Xahn would have a better chance at the institute.

Xahn went to America with Alex and found the institute to be all that he had said.  It was a place that he could fully develop his powers without fear.  Unfortunately, that peace lasted none too long.  By the time he was 19, the anti-mutant wave had increased, and the government was already persecuting mutants.  The institute came under attack, and in the end it was destroyed, along with many of the students.  He joined up with the other survivors after escaping and took up his father's cause to make things better for all mutants.

Institute Biological Profile: 

Xahn is a physically intense young man.  His increased agility and reflexes give him a natural athleticism, and a definite
bonus to his fighting.  He is in top physical shape through years of intense physical training, with a well-toned body.  Xahn is quite graceful and catlike in his movements.  No known physical diseases are present within him.

Institute Psychological Profile:

A loner most of the time, Xahn can be very introverted and antisocial.  He often suffers bouts of deep depression, showing strong suicidal tendencies and self-destructive habits.  Xahn is bipolar though, and periodically his mania shows itself, noted by fits of rage and a driving active urge.  His personality is much akin to the mannerisms of cats and their greater cousins.  He can be extremely loving and loyal of those he comes to trust, and can be overprotective at times.  He is a bit moody, and when he does not like someone, they know it immediately.


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